It's another weekend, time for another edition of The Weekend Video Game Warrior. Here's what the crew at Gamerheads is playing.
Roger Reichardt - Co-Host of The Gamerheads Podcast/ Co-Host of The Nindie Focus Podcast/Reviewer
I have a lot of games to play in my backlog, I think I might play some Sea of Thieves with some of the GH crew. I also want to get back into the world of Dauntless since there has been quite a few changes. I also have a few RPGs that are looking at me with puppy dog eyes...Yeah I have a lot to play.
Tim McGowan - Site Contributor
Still working my way to hundred in Fortnite and getting my butt kicked in Overwatch! Also absolutely loving RetroMania Wrestling! Have a great weekend!
Phil Hoff - Reviewer/Site Contributor/Co-Host of The Nindie Focus Podcast
This weekend I'll be continuing to brawl my way through Yakuza 0, put my finishing touches on Get a Grip Chip, and possible test out my streaming chops more as I play multi-player with friends in who only knows what.
Nethyr_UX - Reviewer/Site Contributor
I'm gonna play a little bit of Trails of Cold Steel (you can guess which version), Eternal Return Black Survival, and Danganronpa V3!
Voidra - Reviewer/Site Contributor
Poking away at BDO still.
Matt Frazier - News Editor/Reviewer
This weekend I’ll be continuing my progress with Mario Tennis Aces and dipping my toe for the first time into Civilization VI. Enjoy the weekend everyone
Christian Kobza - Site Contributor/Review Editor
After snagging Resident Evil 7's platinum trophy earlier in the week, I'll be spending my weekend with something a little less dour – Balan Wonderworld. God help me.
That's what we are playing, what are you playing? Let us know in the comments below!